Lea Nixon was born in the North West of England where the towns were once very industrial and full of smoke.
“Actually in reality, I don’t really remember those days. Wigan today, has this industrial backdrop, but those factories that once were, have become the establishments of Further Education colleges , homes and office spaces.”
Very close to Wigan is Rivington Pike which is part of the Pennine Way, a range of hills stretching part way down the middle of England.
North of Wigan, about 60 miles away is the beautiful countryside of the Lake District in Cumbria and 20 miles West is the coast at Southport and Liverpool; with the same distance inland to the city centre of Manchester.
Lea has always been interested in the darkness of mood in the mills and factories of Industrial England but loves the contrast with the breathtaking views of the lakes and mountains and the spectacular English countryside. Lea is interested in the shapes and shadows of a landscape and uses various water colour techniques as a way to portray this.
He paints his subjects pleinair and believes wholeheartedly that it is essential he does this.
“The more you paint in front of your subject the more information you retain for the work you do in the studio.”